Wednesday 2 January 2013


I have recently just moved more of my things from my parents place to our small apartment! At first I thought I might not be able to fit it in BUT then I went into organize mode! I went through all of my creative things and organized them! I can't believe how many things I wish I had time to make or have fun with! I sure have come up with quite a collection! I love to take time to get creative and need to have a space to keep all of these materials . I was so proud to make everything fit and even have space to possibly add a bit more eventually! Ha. It is my dream to have a whole room dedicated to creating someday but for now my little closet will have to do. Just looking at it makes me so excited! I just bought a clean new canvas today so we will see what ends up happening on it!
It feels great to know where everything is though so now I won't have to dig through everything!
happy creating my friends.